
Docker Run Commands


Sometimes I work with Docker every day for a few weeks, but then I don’t need to touch it again for months at a time. I don’t think my story is unique there - my role isn’t in DevOps, so I figure out what I need, save the commands to a note somewhere, and move along. Most often I use Microsoft SQL Server at work and PostgreSQL on personal projects, so I tend to keep copies of those commands in different notes.

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September 18, 2024

Docker Compose


Following the post for Docker Volumes, I wanted to cover Docker Compose for two reasons: Some projects that are part of the “modern data stack” use it as an entry point for local testing a. A single docker run command works well for when Compose is overkill Volumes work a little differently when used with Compose vs. a container started with the docker run command ℹ️ A lot of projects recommend deployment on Kubernetes in production, with Compose suggested for local testing.

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May 13, 2024

Docker Volumes


I think it’s hard to overstate how revolutionary Docker has been for the tech industry. A lot of use cases that would have been served by a VM are typically replaced by Docker Containers. Good I say - having spent enough time with my elbows deep inside a VM (so to speak), I appreciate the small weight of containers. Unless you’re working strictly in the on-premises Microsoft/Windows Server stack, it’s the defacto standard for deploying applications.

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April 29, 2024