Welcome to my blog!

My name is Ian, and I work with data. In the data space, I’ve worked as a Database Administrator on SQL Server, MySQL, and PostgreSQL. After completing my Master’s in Data Analytics at UCF, my skillset increased and doors opened! My current role is a data engineer, but I’m also able to work on data science projects during the day and in the after-hours.

My interests vary a lot in the field of data - I find the data engineering, data science, data analysis, and visualization spaces equally fascinating. As such, I have a long list of side projects I frequently prune to keep my working memory in check. I like to write and explore data as a cross-section - we often have to explore all sections of the stack to find out “what happaned to my data”, and I like to share my experiences.

Outside of technology, I love to travel with my family. My favorite way to travel is without a car whenever my vacation plans allow. Because of that, I like to focus on transportation datasets, specifically air and rail travel.